
Sites reviewed here are picked from pages viewed by us or by nominations send to us through e-mail. Any site sent to us in the mail will be taken under consideration, but depending on the amount of mail we receive it may not be reviewed right away, or if we feel it does not show any of the qualities we look for in a site, we'll just ignore it altogether. (Sorry for the run-on sentence!)

For information on what we look for in a good or bad site, please refer to this page!

To nominate a site, e-mail us at will the following information:
  • The URL of the site you think should be reviewed by us
  • The title of the site you are nominating (if you can find it!)
  • What you are nominating the site for (good or bad)
  • One (and only one!) reason why you think it deserves to be reviewed
And if you feel inspired, you can give us a little feedback about this review site! We'd like to know what you think about it and/or any ideas you may have about improving it!

Your name and e-mail address will be kept anonymous when we write our reviews to avoid ny possible controversies and to protect your privacy.